My Top 5 News Sources Ranked

#1 NBC Washington - APP

    The reason why this is my top choice in regards to how I get my news is that this is a well known trusted news outlet. Washington, DC is our nation's capital, so when it comes to delivering news, they are the most trusted media outlet. The app is a handy tool because it notifies of all the headlines right as they are coming out. It was especially useful when I was in high school, and it notified me of all the school closings. 
    This is an app I would highly recommend to anyone looking for a fast and easy way to get their news. The app notifies you of headlines, so you never have to worry about missing out on any important breaking news. Even though I initially only downloaded it to keep up with school closings, I still kept it on my phone because it proved useful. 

#2 Twitter - Website and APP

    Twitter is a widely known social media and news platform. Most recently Twitter has been in the headlines for publicly censoring the President of the United States. They have done this by permanently suspending his account. This was all done in an effort to stop any further violence after what happened at the Capitol building last week. Recently the rise and success of social media has changed the way we as millennials get our news. For me, I logon to Twitter at least three times a day and every time I am caught up on the headlines. Twitter makes it easy for us to get our news because of how simple the platform is to use. I recommend this to anyone because of how simple and easy it is to use. 

#3 Instagram - APP

    Unless you have been living under a rock, you have probably heard of Instagram. Instagram is the app I use the most and if I did not have access to it I would probably lose my mind. I consider Instagram to be a news platform because of its interface. Although it is not a traditional new outlet it still gets the job done. Instagram is special because it is mostly visually based. Meaning the image or video is the focus of the content being put out. I recommend Instagram to anyone who wants an easy and fuctional way of getting news. 

#4 Snapchat

    The snapchat, discover page is a well known feature on the popular social media platform. Snapchat is a great source to use that I highly recommend to anyone is because of the way the content is distributed in the interface. The news is delivered in a more short form visual space where it is much easier for younger people to understand what is going on. Snapchat is one of the most widely successful social media platforms. Snapchat is your one stop shop for all things social media while also being a short form video news platform. 

#5 People Magazine  

    People magazine is one of those publications that basically everyone has heard of. I personally am a huge fan of People and I have a weekly subscription to it. Although it is mainly a pop-culture magazine, People is a great news source because they have a variety of different genres of stories. I would highly recommend People to someone because it is a very entertaining and informational site. 


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